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Board of Directors Call for Applications

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January 11, 2017 @ 8:00 am - January 31, 2017 @ 12:00 am

The Workers Arts & Heritage Centre (WAHC) is currently seeking nominations for the Board of Directors. WAHC is a museum and gallery, based in Hamilton with a national mandate. WAHC aims to preserve, honour and promote the culture and history of all working people. But we also hope to learn from the past towards challenging the future – for future generations. The contributions of working people – not only in Canadian history but worldwide – are showcased in art, exhibits, and performances. Their labour and advocacy has made this country a fair and vibrant place to live and work, and we acknowledge these struggles.

The membership of the Board is drawn from 4 main constituency groups: arts, community, history and labour:
• By ‘artist’ we mean anyone who works in the arts: artist, performer, writer, composer, curator, arts educator, administrator, employee of an arts institution etc.; in any arts discipline (visual, music, theatre, film, media, writing, comedy, etc.)
• By ‘community’ we mean anyone who represents an aspect of the diverse peoples in the Greater Hamilton Area, and who shares a passion in advancing the mission and vision of WAHC
• By ‘history’ we mean anyone who works, formally or informally, on research or promotion of the history of all working people
• By ‘labour’ we mean anyone who is active in the labour movement (public sector, private sector or in the building trades) or who is active in worker justice issues (both organized and unorganized)

Board responsibilities:
• Board members are asked to attend a maximum of 6 Board meetings per year, including the Annual General Meeting.
• Board meetings occur on Saturdays
• There are may be a few committee responsibilities for some members, but the Board does most of its work as a committee of the whole
• WAHC Board is a governance Board i.e., its purpose is to set broad policy directions, hold executives accountable and ensure that the corporation complies with relevant legislation
• Board members will be expected to contribute ideas based on their experience and, on occasion, their expertise but will never be put in a position of doing work for the corporation that would be normally procured in the market place
• The organization has a budget of about $580,000 funded through grants and donations
• There is an expectation that the organization will generate revenue through fundraising efforts

Board members are expected to:
• Understand and demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s mission and programs
• Keep up to date with issues and trends that affect the organization
• Prepare for meetings by reading agendas, minutes, reports and other documentation required to actively participate in them
• Attend meetings regularly
• Contribute skills and knowledge by participating actively in meetings and committee work
• Make inquiries when clarification or more information is needed
• Understand and monitor the organization’s financial affairs
• Avoid any potential conflicts of interest
• Understand and maintain confidentiality
• Ensure the organization is complying with all legal and regulatory requirements

WAHC is committed to ensuring a diversity of perspectives, and encourages applications from indigenous people, persons with disabilities, people from racialized or racial minority communities, immigrants and refugees, Francophones, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered or Transsexual people, and women.

If you are interested in applying, or have any questions, please email chair@wahc-museum.ca by January 31, 2017.