We are pleased to announce our first PA Day program of the 2016/17 year: Machines, Large and Small with Cornelia Peckart, on November 4th!
This PA Day camp is presented in partnership with the Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology, who will host the first half our camp day! As always, our camp includes a wholesome lunch and snacks throughout the day.
In this dynamic day of camp, kids will experience the magic of the pumphouse at the Museum of Steam and Technology, guided by interpreters who will explain how their important steam-powered pumping engine delivered water across Hamilton many years ago. In the afternoon, children will go back to WAHC where they will view our current exhibition, Patternmaker, and explore how gears, pulleys and the human body are vehicles for motion and speed through drawing, painting and the creation of small, kinetic sculptures.
For ages 6-12; pre-registration is required. Admission for each PA Day session is $20. Subsidized spots are available—no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. For more information or to register, download and fill out out a registration form (doc and pdf formats) or contact Tara Bursey, Program Coordinator at (905) 522-3003 ex. 29 or tara@wahc-museum.ca.
Machines, Large and Small PA Day Camp is made possible through the generous support of ArcelorMittal Dofasco.