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Sandi Wheaton – Legacy Costs: Burden or Benefit?

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January 18, 2014 - April 25, 2014



Main Gallery

51 Stuart Street
Hamilton, Ontario L8L 1B5 Canada

Sandi Wheaton – Legacy Costs: Burden or Benefit?

Main Gallery Jan 18th – April 25th, 2014


Based on a three month project initiated by the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre in 2009, Legacy Costs: Burden or Benefit? Was the result of a three month long collaboration between Windsor-based artist Sandi Wheaton and the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers.

The project sought to explore the human and environmental impact on workers, their families and their communities in Essex, Kent, and Lambton counties, following the departure of major industries. In other words the true “legacy costs” of companies, as opposed to the way in which the term was deployed during the 2008 global recession, to refer to costs such as financial settlements to injured workers, environmental fines, and pensions.

The project resulted in the creation of an archive of stories, images and video that forms the bulk of the exhibition on display.

Legacy Costs: Burden or Benefit? was created with the generous support of the Ontario Arts Council and the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers.

Opening Reception: Friday, February 14th, 2014 at  7PM at Workers Arts & Heritage Centre 51 Stuart St. Hamilton, ON . Free Food & Refreshments Served