WAHC Youth Council 2018- 2019

Are you ages 16- 25? Are you thinking about social and global issues? Are you interested in exploring creative social action? Bring your ideas to the WAHC's Youth Council! We are a small group of young people who design and create events and programs for youth that address social issues we care about. With the support of WAHC, our previous Youth Councils have organized art workshops, art exhibitions, film screenings, panel discussion etc, centred on issues of feminism, intersectionality, precarious employment, workers solidarity movements, indigenous rights and more.  What social issues are alive for you right now? We want to hear it!

Follow us on Instagram for meeting updates and information @wahcyouthcouncil

For questions or expressions of interest, please contact Interim Program Coordinator Hitoko at hitoko@wahc-museum.ca or call 905.522.3003 ex. 29